Painting with nail polish

So, I have this very glittery nail polish and I love to use it. Even if I don’t feel like wearing it myself I usually find something to put it on. Am I the only one who does this? I recently had the bright idea to use this glittery polish on some metal flowers that I told my Aunt I would paint for her. I previously painted over half of them and gave them back to her about a year after I first told her I would paint them. I have had the last two for 2 years now. So what better use for my nail polish than painting flowers so I can return them to my Aunt? I used outdoor acrylic paint to give the flowers their beautiful brightness and accented them with the glitter. I think they turned out great! Now if I can remember to take them with me next time I go visit my Aunt. wpid-20150829_150804.jpg

Get Your Share On

Get your share on? What? Get your share on basically means put on your “nice” self and do something for someone else. Share your nice, caring and giving personality with those around you! Yes, we all have one (even if some of us have to dig really deep). Also, my name is Sharon and this is my attempt at a pun. You can get your SHARON fix by checking back regularly for some interesting content in the form of my blog posts!

Back to getting your share on. Sometimes it’s hard to open up and let our “nice person” come out. There are so many people in this world who will take advantage of us when we are just trying to do the right thing and show our love to them. But, we must not let those people stop us from doing the right thing. There will always be someone out there who just needs a little helping hand to get them back on the right track, a little boost of courage, a little lifting of their spirit. I want to be there for someone who has no one else. I want to know that I have made a little difference in someones life. A good difference. I am getting my share on. Starting now.

Now, I do not have a plan for this blog. What ever I feel at the time is what I will be posting. Maybe with a little time and some blogging experience under my belt I will develop a style and genre of what I like to post. Cheers!